Saturday, April 5, 2008

Pre-School Lesson Plans

Hello everyone!
My name is Tamara Lynn Carpenter (TLC).I am a mother of five wonderful children (toddler to teen) and I facilitate an educational playgroup for children ages 2-5.The program is run as an instructor led ,parent /child interactive program offering ideas for learning through play not only in a classroom environment but also in day to day situations.My curriculum is self -made and has proven to be very sucessful,not only with the children,but also with the parents of the children in the class.Our program runs once per week in class with weekly home-play assignments and is expanding to a second day focusing solely on the performing arts. I am extremely excited to share my lesson plans with you and your family.I hope you find many useful and fun ideas for you and your child/ren to spend quality "tlc time" together!If you choose to start a community program using this curriculum I only ask that you give proper credit to this website.
I will post the lessons on Wednesdays as I use the lessons on Tuesday.This will give me a chance to try out the lessons the day before and let you all know what worked and what didn't!
Other days will be more personal the dreaded spring clean!

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